Disclaimer for this blog

  1. This is not a medical clinic or a massage center but is a clinic of natural medicine and Osteopathy along with its related  modalities. I do not profess to be a Medical Doctor. I am a Naturopathic Doctor and an Osteopath and a Hypnotherapist by training. 

2. Take note that I will not see you if you are a current patient of my other clinic at Sundardas Naturopathic Clinic as to not complicate the patient history-taking assessment and note-taking.

3.This is a Platform of communication Between Dr Hadi and the general public - all prospective patients, current patients, YINS naturopathy students and ex-students with regards to Naturopathy-Osteopathy-wellness-health related matters.

4. Part of the entries found here are references from research, studies, personal experiences, anecdotal evidence and 'resellers right' Some minor and major change has been made to the article with the intention of simplifying the article to meet the acceptance of the general average reader, and with the thought that it should not be your only reference nor should it be a replacement for any medical care you are undergoing, If you have a problem, condition or any disease, you are advised by the author to seek medical attention first before trying out any form alternative medicine (my personal opinion)

5. When seeking knowledge about naturopathy and with regards to seeking advices from your general physician, I encourage you to find a Medical doctor WHO KEEPS AN OPEN MIND ON NATUROPATHY and OSTEOPATHY because I assure you, you will be ridiculed and then discouraged by the ignorant.

The material in this blog is not intended to be prescriptive or to be construed as either legal or medical advice. Data contained herein that may pertain to disease or medical terminology is for descriptive purposes only and no “attempt to cure” is intended or implied. Advice relative to disease should be used in cooperation with a doctor/naturopath and/or one who understand nutrition. It is not the intent of the author to diagnose or prescribe. The intent is only to offer health information to help you cooperate with your doctor in your quest for health. Author assume no responsibility In the event you use this information without your doctor’s approval or without guidance of a healthcare professional, If you are prescribing for yourself, which is your constitutional right, please note that the publisher and any of the content written here is not responsible for anything. No part of this fb posts or blog may be reproduced or quoted without the authors' expressed permission, written or otherwise. Occasionally this fan page will be laced with a touch of humour too.

6. The reader may find links to other blogs written by the medical Doctors or otherwise.. the author wish to re-iterate that in no way he is endorsing what they do in practice or promoting their opinions. The link is just something to share (on what the author is currently reading on). The author believe that a good Naturopath/CAM practitioner must never shut his door to the 'other side'. The author respects his Medical Doctors peers and respect their training including all their differences in opinion.

Please note that our sessions will integrate a hybrid approach, combining my extensive studies in the topics listed above, rather than following an à la carte style. Some techniques will be adjusted to suit the demographic and religious background of the patient/Client. 

In Singapore, the modalities listed above are under the realm of Psychotherapy and Complementary Medicine and should not be construed as a medical intervention or equivalent to seeing a Psychologist or a Psychiatrist. If you are seeing me as a patient for emotional work intervention or stress management, understand that I am operating under the premises of being a naturopathic doctor trained in the above modalities. 

Last but not least, this blog is not meant to be an online consult forum. Thank you


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