On Perception

Perception describes the way in which something is regarded, understood, or interpreted. No two people view everything they are exposed to in the same way. This disparity in perception is a primary contributor to misunderstandings among us. For example, two people watching the same movie might have differing opinions on its quality.

What leads to these differences, you may ask? It's simply because each of us filters incoming information through our senses differently. We delete, distort, and generalize the data we take in to fit our understanding. However, this process can result in misinterpretations or discrepancies in how we perceive and understand the world around us.

Our filters, shaped by our experiences, beliefs, values, and biases, influence how we interpret information and make judgments. These filters can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts when individuals interpret the same situation differently based on their unique perspectives. Additionally, emotions, mood, and personal context further shape our perception, determining whether we view something positively or negatively.

Therefore, while perception offers a subjective understanding of reality, it also highlights the importance of empathy, open-mindedness, and effective communication in navigating differences and fostering mutual understanding among individuals.

As a young practitioner back then (in retrospect), I was always in awe of how some people form their conclusions and process their decision-making.. Which at times I end up getting pretty judgmental, I admit. But as I got older and more capable in terms of using multiple modalities, I am able to work on these concept as a baseline to get to my patient's point of view, inclination, behaviors and help them form suitable course of action. For the therapist, the more data (in this sense, knowledge) the more flexible he is able to form a roadmap for his client. 

What does this mean to you? Ultimately, the takeaway here is (even for non therapist), embracing the diversity of perception teaches us invaluable life lessons: to approach others with empathy, to stay open to different perspectives, and to communicate effectively. These principles not only enrich our personal relationships but also enhance our ability to positively impact the lives of those we interact with, professionally and personally. Most times, people submit to their perception of reality than reality it self.

However, having said all that, it is also important to note that while embracing diversity of perception is enriching, it's equally important to set boundaries in relationships, especially with individuals who may be detrimental to our mental well-being. Everything has its place and time for the application of positivity.

Otherwise, Take a breather and try to remember these things that I have shared with you and reflect on how its relevance to your current situation (with your spouse, team, supervisors etc.)


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